
Celebrations are another essential component to successful family connections.  Everybody has a need to be a queen or king for a day.  Even when people say, “don’t make a fuss over me” – they secretly want to have others celebrate their occasions and accomplishments (big or small, it doesn’t matter).  It doesn’t have to be an elaborate affair, but acknowledgment of those that you love means alot to one’s self-worth and helps to keep those DOTS CONNECTED.

I am very fortunate to come from a family with a legacy of celebrations.  Dots started to connect way before I was born.  I am sharing a story that my mother wrote about her 6th birthday party – a party that she remembered and cherished for decades.  The story gives a nice outline for a super kids party – but more importantly, it reveals the underlying message of the “Celebrations” section of this blog:  taking the time to honor and recognize those we love will build memories and bonds that last a lifetime.  So, with tears in my eyes, I turn over the rest of today’s Celebrations blog to the “Six Party” (as told by my Mom).



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