Tribute to my Mom

My novice trek into the world of blogging would not be complete without honoring my Mom, who forged into the cyber-world years ago before it was fashionable and mainstream.  Uncharacteristic of her peers of advanced age, she fearlessly took on the task of setting up her own blogs,”Memories and Moments by Granny Jo” and “Grandma’s Couch,” that had a loyal group of followers.  They enjoyed her recipes and associated stories about family and personal insights. With her physical health failing but her mentality ever stimulated, she was able to CONNECT with others in a virtual way, which gave her great satisfation and pride. Unfortunately, she passed away in 2008 – too soon.  I hope that her essence is floating on the airwaves and she is watching over my efforts.  I hope she is proud that I am continuing her legacy.  I intend to re-post some of her articles from time to time.  It keeps our DOTS CONNECTED…

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