Our First Jewel

Another beautiful day found us discussing our plans over
breakfast.  We agreed to travel only a short distance today and find a nice campground as a stepping stone to adventures in the Adirondack Mountains. A brochure told of a Farm Tour in Thurman which seemed to have all the elements of local crafts, foods and music planned for Oct 8 and 9.  We will be
staying in this area all of today and tomorrow and leaving Sunday AM towards
Vermont/Canada.  At a rest stop on the way to Warrensburg, NY, I stopped to talk to the INFO booth, who gave us some tips and more detailed maps of the area. In one of his brochures, there was a listing of local campgrounds – I
called the first one on the list – NO ANSWER. Then a second – DITTO.  The third place didn’t answer either, but had a voicemail option to which she promptly called me back.  So, Daggett Lake Campground will be our home for the next two nights – and what a home it is.  Our sight is lakefront with fall
trees and evergreens enveloping us.  Chipmunks and squirrels scamper all about and chatter at us.  I put out some apple scraps to see if I could
coax a few in for photos (success!). Birds dart about in the branches and occasionally dip down to partake of the local berries that are scattered around.
The smell of campfires and musty leaves and pine fill our senses.  The sun is sparkling on the water that laps the shore just feet from the back of our RV.
This place is truly a jewel and also gives credence to our plan to not
have a rigid and formalized travel plan. The best things are around the NEXT bend in the road.  So, our word of the day is SPONTANEOUS – for we would have notfound this jewel unless we had made the off the cuff choices that we did this morning.

I also have to mention that there is a couple with their
grandkids in the site next to us.  They actually come up from Schenectady every weekend.   One grandson appears to be about 4 years old and is chasing about with his fishing pole, the girl is about 5 and is eating a cherry popsicle, the last boy is about 7 and is helping his Grandpa gather firewood for tonight’s big bonfire. Grandpa and I have a little talk in between the kids’ appeals for more things to do and he tells me how much he enjoys his grandchildren and thatbeing a grandparent is a wonderful thing. He smiles as they start out on a hike to the recycle bins together and dragging their Red Flyer Wagon behind them.  That is what this blog is about – family,family connections and the special bonds things like camping together in the woods can create.

Inspired by Grandpa and his grand-kids, Dad and I took a
walk through the RV park to the Dog Beach. The paths were convoluted with rocks and roots covered by dry leaves, so it was slow going.  Thankfully Dad still had his walking stick that he acquired in the woods while hiking to the Lighthouse, yesterday.  When we arrived
at our destination, the sun was low in the sky and the lake water glistened gold – it reminded me of the movie “On Golden Pond” (I highly recommend this as a classic family story).  We sat for
awhile and listened to the quiet sounds of nature.  It is simple, yet poignant times like that, that I will never forget. It is a privilege to have the ability to spend this kind of time with my Dad and I think he feels the same.

See you tomorrow…hope you enjoy the pics!  FYI posting is sometimes delayed because I have to get Internet access and some places just aren’t there yet, but I am composing every night, as promised, and saving the drafts to post when I am able…



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