You are 75 years old today and we are trekking around the great city of Boston, Mass. – not bad for an old guy! I love you and respect you with all my heart. I dedicate the word of the day to you – FATHER – as you are a prime example of everything a father should be.
We started in Little Italy, on the North end (appropriate since that was the name of our restaurant, back in the day). We stopped at Regina’s (world-famous) for pizza, but successfully avoided all of the pastries, cookies, cakes and pies that filled the bakeries lining the streets. There were amazing smells and sights and a very authentic local population, many speaking italian and talking with their hands flying in every direction. It was like being in Italy itself.
We got a little (a lot) lost and wished that my sister-in-law was there with us to be our tour guide… We finally found our trolley stop and took it on a circuit around the hot-spots – Boston Commons, Fenway Park, Faneuil Hall, Bunker Hill and many other parts of the Freedom Trail. I apologize that I have no pics to post yet (maybe never) since I dropped my camera in the sink and am trying to dry it out. I bought a cheap-o digital that had very little memory, so I have a few, but those are not going to be great, as many were taken through the trolley window. Once I download the software and upoad the pics, I will post.
Next, we took a harbor tour (camera was out of memory at this point) and ended up at the U.S.S. Constitution and also toured the museum. It was getting late, so we headed back to our rental car. THAT was a experience! I will spare you the details, but needless to say it was frustrating and strenuous – but we did get our exercise in for the day! We were rather overwhelmed with the size and scope of the city coupled with some bad maps that were missing lots of the minor streets. The local residents were quite helpful, but rather confused themselves about locations – but we finally made it back.
Finally, we traveled to Marshfield, Mass (my in-laws had lived her many years ago) and found the Ming Dynasty Restaurant still in business. Their food was still excellent. As we left the restaurant, it began to sprinkle. By the time we reached the campground, it was a drizzle. Through the night it was a full-blown rain and this morning…a deluge (expeted to last about 2 more days)! However, Dad still says we are going to Salem, “We can’t let a little rain stop us.” (Did I say deluge???)
Tags: road trip
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