In 2009, my Dad and I took a cross country trip in my minivan and shared many, many special moments and experiences. But, our great country is VERY BIG and we missed quite a few locations, so we decided to continue our quest this year – this time in a motorhome ( Our RV Rental Demo ) with emphasis on the eastern seaboard. Just like last time, we don’t have much of a rigidly planned itinerary, instead we will plan as we go and partake of the local events and activities and opportunities as they present. We hope to see some of the more quirky and obscure parts of the country along with some iconic destinations and fall foliage while catching up with relatives and friends along the way.
I am so fortunate to have this opportunity to share this time with my Dad. Although there is never really enough time for everything, we have been able to create and share a special bond that will last forever in our hearts and minds. These trips are a source of accomplishment and wonderment beyond compare for us. Last time, we identified a positive thought for each and every day of our travels that came to us as an inspiration. We will do that again on this trip as an affirmation that we can find something positive each and every day, if we take the time to look for it.
I want to thank my husband for being so understanding and supportive of me to go away for so long and I promise, once he is retired, we will share adventures and destinations like this together also. I want to thank my Dad, for having the spirit of adventure and self-confidence to venture out of a comfort zone to experience new things and re-visit the past during our journey (also for doing most of the driving, as I know he will). Finally, I would like to invite all of you to travel along with us through the accountings on this blog. My goal is to provide regular updates of our progress (both geographically and personally), photos of interest, some recipes from the road and our daily words of inspiration.
So, put on your seatbelts, roll down the windows to let the wind blow through your hair, put your sunglasses on and get ready for our Road Trip 2011 (starting October 4) and discover what is around the next bend in the road!
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